Monday, June 1, 2009

John Bradshaw

The following quote from John Bradshaw's book "Bradshaw on: Healing the Shame that Binds You" supports what I have been writing repeatedly in this blog, that there is support for physical disesases, such as cancer, but not for emotional diseases, such as depression or feelings of shame. Read what John Bradshaw writes on the topic remembering that those who are shamed-based feel as though their total self is flawed.

"To be shamed-based is to be in intolerable pain. Physical pain is horrible, but there are moments of relief. There is hope of being cured. The inner rupture of shame and the 'mourning' for your authentic self is chronic. It never goes away. There's no hope for a cure because you are defective. This is the way you are. You have no relationship with yourself or with anyone else. You are totally alone. You are in solitary confinement and chronic grief."

"You need relief from this intolerable pain. You need something outside of you to take away your terrible feelings about yourself. You need something or someone to take away your inhuman loneliness. You need a mood altering experience."

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    This is a great post and its very inspiring for me.I like that quote also.You have well written and I like this post very much.Thank you very much for sharing this post with us.

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